Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the counter is completely free of charge. We finance it using revenue from other sources. Our goal is to ensure that you are able to keep track of the number of visitors on your website and their stats without incurring any expenses.
Yes. Using Zaehler, you can track all the visitors on your homepage regardless of whether or not they have enabled cookies. However, the counter will count them as a unique visitor every time they visit your pa
No. We would never share your personal data with anyone. It would be a violation of your privacy. The visitors to your website are secure too because we have no way of accessing their email address or any other personal information. We do not attempt to do it. We would never share their information even if we could access it.
No. We may post advertisements on our site but not on yours. If you see any advertisements on our site that appears intrusive or offensive to you, do not hesitate to report it. We will be glad to take it down.
We consult with web developers and marketing professionals before making any updates on our product to ensure that we are giving you nothing but the best counter for your needs. We consider your needs and expectations. Our counter is a reliable tool to help you make the right decisions based on the number of visitors on your site and their stats. Over the years, we have continued to receive positive reviews from our clients who have benefited from Zaehler.
The decision is yours based on what you want to achieve. One of the disadvantages of showing your browser is that anyone, including your competitors, can see it. Competitors may use the information to determine the content that is popular and use it against you. They may find out from your page the pages that visitors like and other useful information. If you have low traffic, your visitors may see that your site is not popular and stay away from it. The advantage of showing is that if you have high traffic, visitors will want to spend a long time on your site to see what you have to offer. Marketers are likely to approach you for advertisements if they see that you have high traffic on your site. It is a good idea to have a counter on your site regardless of your business operations or the type of website you run. It makes it possible for you to track the popularity of specific pages on your website and to take the appropriate measures. It is impossible to come up with a good plan if you do not know who your visitors are and what they want.